
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mary 2

Guess you could say that it's official. I am a Mary Kay consultant. I have my own website (, I will be receiving my business cards in the mail this week, my inventory will be available at my domain AND I'm having my business debut on Sunday. I am seriously hoping for the best in this journey. I attempted to sell another company (which will remain unnamed), a few years back. I think I made only one order and then just let it go. With this business they hold your hand until YOU are ready to let go. I already have three promising customers and if you don't count family well then it's two  ;).

I don't think I have been this excited since I began my career in Law Enforcement almost 3 years ago (July). So if you are just stumbling upon my blog go ahead and check out my website. Either you or someone you know may be interested in what Mary Kay has to offer.

Look for more news in the upcoming few weeks.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mary Kay....

So I have just joined the empire of Mary Kay makeup. I am uber excited and cannot wait to get started on this. I know I can do it and I have the support of friends and family that are willing to help me succeed! More to come later.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You don't know me...

You don't know me and most people will probably never find or read this blog, but I had some spare time and I've found some interesting people who have things to say. Hopefully, one day I'll be one of those people that are being followed by at least one person.

You have never heard of me and probably never won't. I like to keep low key, sure every once in a while I have that moment where I just need to shine so what do I do you may ask yourself...I turn on a light bulb and stick it behind my head. :)

For now this is all I'm going to say since I should technically be in bed right about now. Don't worry for those few followers that I have, there is very exciting news on the way!

Much love,
Theresa a.k.a. Rockstar