
About Me

Hi! My name is Theresa and I'm 30 years young!

I could not wait to get out of my twenties and be 30!!! Most of my friends who turned 30 last year were dreading it and were a bit weepy! Not me, I embraced it. I see it as a new lease on life and the second half is going to be all about me and what I want. With that being said, I am going to soon be in the process of going back to school. Not for my current line of work but more of like my life after I retire. I still have like 15 more years to go before that but it's never to late to start planning anything. AND I LOVE's sometimes the execution that I have issues with... :)

Health, fitness and nutrition have always been on the forefront of my mind and as something I would like to pursue. But obviously didn't beat out my current career as a police officer. I love my career and wouldn't trade it for anything. So have two things I love and can be incorporated to work together, well honey that what I like to call a JACKPOT!

Let's see what else about me...I have a black and white German Shepard named Dutch who is bilingual and a black and white cat named Nishka. They are the best pets (children) ever!!!

I look forward to trying to keep up with this blog. -->Just being honest, I may forget but will do my best.


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