
Friday, November 23, 2012

Tone It Up Novice

I have made a decision that now is the time for me start taking care of myself! I have gone through spurts that take me through extensive exercises gym visits then I end up skipping a day or two and stop all together. The girls @TIU make it easy since I'm starving myself. I still get to eat food (which I love). This is a program that makes me accountable by having to check in and track my meals and exercises. The best part is, like I said, you are still eating and not cutting out foods. You can have anything just in moderation. Which many people seem to forget.

So lets get this ball rolling and get to the new me!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A new adventure...

With the recent infatuation I have with Pinterest, I have been finding a shiton of DIY activities! I recently redid several brass lamps I had in my home and couldn't be happier with the outcome! I'll post pictures later. I've also been dipping my toes in the wide world of sewing! This is something that I have always wanted to try and what better satisfaction could one have then being able to make your own clothes and have them look awesome. Of course mine may take a while to look awesome but as I always say "It's never to late to start anything!" And that's true! For some reason I feel like I am being a Susy Homemaker. I absolutely love cooking, everyone can do it! If you can read, you can cook! So I'm off to alter my computer office into a sewing room as well. I'll post pictures of my accomplishments and if anyone is reading this, by all means share some of your stories!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Starting ..... Again

For those of you who are following and are interested in what I have to say, thank you!

I recently got back together with my ex and we are (so far) doing great. I have decided that life is just too short and that I should go after anything that makes me happy. He makes me happy. I also started getting back into exercising since I've been slightly stressing over some issues. It ha been the best decision I've made.