
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Practice makes perfect...

I thought I would start just playing around with the sewing machine and see what I could get into. Well tonight proved to be somewhat of a challenge. (See pictures as we go). I found a picture on Pinterest, but forgot to save it for later, so I was pretty much making up my own measurements and just going with it. Well as you are about to see, that idea had about as much wattage as a burning out light bulb.

First, I sewed the piece on inside out...

Then my bobbin was working against me....

 The stitching became loose....

 So as a test drive on the re-thread, this is what the underside looked like....

Needless to say, with it being 2043hrs (8:43pm), I've decided to take a deep breath and ask my sister if she knew why it was doing it...Well, that didn't really get no where as I said not to worry about it. I remembered I adjusted the stitch length. After taking a closer look at what the h - e double hockey sticks I was doing, I noticed somehow the whole thing was off. I re-threaded the machine once again and low and behold....

I finished my first sewing project. Granted it took me like forever, but I did it. I know it's not perfect, but it's mine and I'm proud of it!

I'm glad I didn't walk away and leave this go. I messed around with the machine and was able to accomplish it. Just remember you can do anything you can set your mind too!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sewing 101

I've always been fascinated with creations people make by hand. I've always wanted to learn to sew, since how my older sister was enrolled in a sewing class, I wanted to sew also. I never touched a sewing machine until I was in my 7th grade Home Economics class. I made a drawstring bag and some food. I haven't touched a sewing machine since....well over 15 years. I have taken over my mom's old Singer Touch & Sew Deluxe Zig - Zag Model 636...

For the most part, I think it works the way it is supposed to. I had some difficulties this morning as I was trying to test the stitches...I forgot to put the 'foot' down and ended up having to redo the bobbin! Of course, my mom didn't have the instruction book and trying to figure it out while she gave me directions over the phone was not the best plan. My sister who lives with me, is supposed to know how to do this but I chose to figure it out for myself. So I went to Singer's website and was able to print out the entire owner's manual for this model sewing machine! Whoop Whoop!!! Within a matter of minutes I had the bobbin in working order, I also figured out how to re-thread the whole thread to needle procedure.

I must say I do feel quite accomplished today! I didn't get to start any projects yet but I can see me starting something this week. For anyone following or reading,  you are in for a real treat as I will share my ups and downs in this sewing adventure! If you are also a novice at sewing, please feel free to share how your 'first time' went down! For the more advanced sewing readers....I'll take all the suggestions you have.

Now I did take it upon myself to register for a beginners basic sewing class, luckily I am going with my cousin, who also has no idea how to sew using a machine. Between the two of us, I'm pretty sure we will be able to figure it out and be a positive supporter for each other!