
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Practice makes perfect...

I thought I would start just playing around with the sewing machine and see what I could get into. Well tonight proved to be somewhat of a challenge. (See pictures as we go). I found a picture on Pinterest, but forgot to save it for later, so I was pretty much making up my own measurements and just going with it. Well as you are about to see, that idea had about as much wattage as a burning out light bulb.

First, I sewed the piece on inside out...

Then my bobbin was working against me....

 The stitching became loose....

 So as a test drive on the re-thread, this is what the underside looked like....

Needless to say, with it being 2043hrs (8:43pm), I've decided to take a deep breath and ask my sister if she knew why it was doing it...Well, that didn't really get no where as I said not to worry about it. I remembered I adjusted the stitch length. After taking a closer look at what the h - e double hockey sticks I was doing, I noticed somehow the whole thing was off. I re-threaded the machine once again and low and behold....

I finished my first sewing project. Granted it took me like forever, but I did it. I know it's not perfect, but it's mine and I'm proud of it!

I'm glad I didn't walk away and leave this go. I messed around with the machine and was able to accomplish it. Just remember you can do anything you can set your mind too!!!

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