
Thursday, February 27, 2014

ADD Overload

So I was recently in a work related car crash and today was my first day back to work after being out for four days. I was really beyond happy when I left the house this morning to go to work, then I got to work and realized that I maybe should have stayed home. Either way, it was a pretty good day at work for the most part. I ended up having to work my secondary gig for a few hours after and my back really paid the price. I couldn't wait to get home and take the uniform off and just relax!!!

Just like every other female I know, we are all pretty obsessed about being healthy in someway shape or form. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose a few pounds, it's when you are already skin and bones and think your still overweight that is the problem. The problem is with the models and the model television programs! How about taking a chance and going for the average to plus size beautiful female and giving her a multimillion dollar contract or insuring her body parts for millions of dollars? I'm just saying, how about looking out for the little guy (girl)!?

Just like this picture, what are we teaching our little girls.

I know you are probably lost in this blog post, and to tell you the truth I think I am as well. HAHAHA. At the end of the night, I get random thoughts and if you stick with me, they may turn into something wonderful!

With that, I hope everyone has a wonderful night and stays warm.

Always Smile...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Always Smile...

Well so much for writing on the end of every shift. As you can tell, life does get in the way. With everything I have going on, I don't know how professional bloggers do this for a living! Although I have to admit that I have thought about doing that but then I take a step back and realize that my ADD keeps me going in all different directions.

I read a quote once that said if you wanted to try and understand a women's mind, imagine having millions of tabs open in your internet. It was something like that, but it holds true. Even sitting here writing, I'm thinking about what I need to do and taking mental notes of a grocery list and when I want to go get the stuff.

So with that, I am going to get up and go do something.