
Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 and what....

I know there are like literally less then probably two people who read my blog, but it makes it feel good knowing that I am trying to make some kind of difference in my world. By publishing it in a blog makes me feel accountable to hold myself to whatever it is!

2014...I would like to say started off with a "BANG" but it was just another day. I do what I usually do and refuse to make a resolution. I refuse because I don't want to make a promise to myself and not see it through. So instead of a resolution, I thought of other ways to (I guess) change. I want to be more organized. I am slightly already but could be more. I want to eat healthier, I already make good choices but I want to make more. I want to do stuff for me, I do but I want to do more. ... Are you sensing my theme here. I want to DO MORE for MYSELF!!!!

I am going to try and write a blog, for starters, at least once a week. I want to write it on Day 6 of my work week. In other words, my day 6 will be my Friday which will not always be the standard Friday. I'm hoping it will consist of how my week went, how I changed (if at all), and what I expect in the next days. A lot of things will be going on and I hope to get it out there.

That being said, I know today is Thursday for everyone else in the regular corporate America, however today is my Tuesday!!! So my next entry will be either the 13th or the next day, since I work evenings this shift, I most likely will just vegetate in front of the tv when I get home until about 2-3 am! But I may surprise you.

I never know how to end a blog post and ending like a letter (Sincerely) just seems weird to me! So I just thought of an idea. On my desk I have a book entitled "The New York Public Library Desk Reference." This edition has a Copyright date of 1989. So I'm sure there are other updates out there, but for my purposes I will be using this edition. Don't like...don't read it! Everyone could use some knowledge in their life, even if you already know it, a refresher never hurt!

The Day
The mean solar day is the average length of a day as determined by noting one passage of the sun across the meridian of an observer and calculating the time that it takes for the sun to cross the same point in the sky a second time. Because the sun's time in making such a circuit varies seasonally, the uniform length of out day is based on a fictional average rather than on what is actually seen on any given day (called apparent solar day). The mean solar day is the basis of out 24-hour calendar day. It is actually 24 hours, 3 minutes, 56.66 seconds long in sidereal time.
The mean sidereal day is determined by a procedure similar to that of fixing the solar day; however, this procedure uses a star's passages across a reference point on the celestial sphere (that point now being the vernal equinox) instead of the sun's passage. That means that the solar day appears to be about 4 minutes longer than the sidereal day because Earth in its solar orbit has to move a little farther to get back to the point at which the sun crosses the mans meridian.

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